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Home > Snakes > Mexican Racer

Mexican Racer

Mexican racer is a non-poisonous species of snake belonging to the colubrid family, found in Mexico and United States. It is one of the subspecies of the eastern racer.

    Kingdom Animalia
    Phylum Chordata
    Subphylum Vertebrata
    Class Reptilia
    Order Squamata
    Suborder Serpentes
    Family Colubridae
    Genus Coluber
    Species Coluber constrictor
    Scientific Name Coluber constrictor oaxaca

    Length Around 51-102 cm
    Color Greenish dorsal color with yellowish ventral color
    Distribution Mexico, southern Texas (United States), Guatemala
    Habitat Open grassland, light forest, semi-arid regions
    Diet Rodents, frogs, lizards
    Venom Fact Non-venomous
    Mode of Reproduction Oviparous (egg laying)

    Mexican Racer Pictures Gallery

    Published on October 11th 2016 by under Snakes. Article was last reviewed on 4th June 2019.

    One response to “Mexican Racer”

    1. Simone says:

      I am certain I saw an Eastern/Mexican Racer today in Miami Beach. It was totally green, on its back, and had distinct scales like these do in the pics. At first glance I thought it was an adult garter snake. But then I realized it was solid green, no stripes, no black, nothing but green. Under belly may have been the lighter/yellowish color. I was walking along the beach when I saw a little lizard in my path. It just sat there and I reached down and it actually let me pet it briefly, then it took off to my left. I stood back up and that is when I noticed the Racer watching me, to the right of the path (yikes lol), I think it must have been stalking the lizard. It then turned away and slithered into the brush in the dunes. It was a beautiful olive green color, not bright green, but a rich, beautiful deep green. So glad I got to witness it.

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