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Home > Snakes > Fan-Si-Pan Horned Pitviper

Fan-Si-Pan Horned Pitviper

Fan-si-pan Horned Pitviper is a species of small pit vipers that are venomous like other viper snakes. They are found in parts of Vietnam.

    Kingdom Animalia
    Phylum Chordata
    Class Reptilia
    Order Squamata
    Suborder Serpentes
    Family Viperidae
    Genus Protobothrops
    Species P. cornutus
    Scientific Name Protobothrops cornutus

    Also Known As Horned Pit Viper
    Length/Size Around 0.5 m
    Body Coloration Light gray body with patterns in black and dark gray
    Range/Distribution Vietnam
    Habitat Tropical humid and wet forest, grasslands, montane wet forest
    Diet/Food Mostly live on lizards and frogs, but also consume birds, small mammals and insects
    Venom Facts Venomous
    Clutch Size 10 to 15 eggs
    Mode of Reproduction Oviparous
    IUCN Conservation Status Near Threatened

    Fan-Si-Pan Horned Pitviper Pictures Gallery

    Published on February 11th 2019 by under Snakes. Article was last reviewed on 25th February 2019.

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